Not Necessarily Music #5
January 13, 2008
Poortgebouw, Rotterdam.
with Fred Lonberg-Holm, Frank Rosaly, Victor Suy Bio Snijtsheuvel, Bruno Ferro Xavier da Silva (Jola Meijer and Nina Hitz also played but left early so they didn't get their picture taken)
Frank Rosaly, Fred Lonberg-Holm Frank Rosaly, Vanita Monk Frank Rosaly, Victor Suy Bio Snijtsheuvel, Vanita Monk Frank Rosaly Johanna Monk, Bruno Ferro Xavier da Silva Fred Lonberg-Holm Fred Lonberg-Holm, Vanita Monk
Not Necessarily Music #4
June 6, 2007
Poortgebouw, Rotterdam.
With too many people to list here... See the group photos for details.
Not Necessarily Music #4 Vanita Monk Johanna Monk - Not Necessarily Music #4
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